SCI Sables Foundation (SCIF)

Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) Sables are leaders in wildlife education to preserve our outdoor heritage worldwide.

Sables women, men and youth help advance SCI Foundation education programs that instill the love of the outdoors and hunting with commitment to wildlife conservation .


Sables Mission Statement

SCIF Sables is a Committee of SCI, committed to furthering the understanding of our outdoor heritage, including the positive role of hunting, through the creation and support of wildlife and conservation educational programs that are consistent with the educational mission and purposes of SCI and SCIF.


Why the Sable                          

Sables are one the largest and most stunning African antelope.  They are an elegant animal with a glossy coat and distinctive markings.  They are swift and fierce in defending their young and territory. The Sable is a magnificent symbol of our outdoor heritage.


About Sables

The Sables were founded in 1984 by the women of Safari Club International and became a space for women to support and encourage one another. While many of the women who make up Sables participate in hunting, there are many who don’t. Yet these women who make up Sables have much in common, including a passion for conservation and education and an understanding that hunting is a socially and culturally acceptable activity. SCI Sables come from all walks of life and are drawn together by their respect for wildlife and the outdoors. By using their many talents and skills, they work together to share their joy and enthusiasm for wildlife conservation. Women are the fastest growing group of hunters and their engagement is crucial to the future of hunting and our youth are included in that future. The SCIF Sables recognize that the future of shooting sports and hunting rest with today’s youth. Educated and successful women hunters and non-hunters who have the knowledge of the outdoors, hunting and wildlife conservation can pass this on to the next generations and provide mentorship and guidance to our future leaders.


SCI-Lake Superior Chapter Sable Committee

We are in the beginning stages of forming the SCI- Lake Superior Chapter Sables Committee. This Sable Committee will be made up of women and youth that enjoy the outdoors and are committed to wildlife conservation. The Sables Committees at the local chapter level play an important role in the mission of SCIF. Local level Sable groups not only provide support to each other, they are also instrumental in planning activities and events, and promoting education and hunting opportunities for both youth and women. We hope these opportunities encourage women and youth to try something new, fun and challenging.


Sable Activities and Events

We are developing future activities and events to promote outdoor education and adventures. This includes hunting, fishing, trap shooting, hiking, camping and other ways for networking in a fun, relaxed and supportive environment. Ultimately we hope that our Sable women and youth can connect and share their same passion for wildlife conservation, hunting and the outdoors.

We encourage any and all ideas and recommendations for future activities and events.


LSC Sables Committee:








L to R: Lisa Gingerich, Cindy Shabert (Chair), Jenni Vitek


Join the LSC Sables Facebook group to keep up with the latest news.

Do you want to join the Sables? Check out these links, membership available through the website soon!