Lake Superior Chapter Board of Directors
Lake Superior Chapter Officers and Board of Directors

Scott Olson: Chapter President
Scott Olson is honored to serve as the President of the Lake Superior Chapter of SCI. Prior to serving as President, Scott served as Treasurer, Secretary and as a Board Member of the chapter. Scott looks forward to sharing the SCI message and mission with all members of the Chapter.
Scott is a life-long hunter and outdoorsman. He traces his interest in hunting back to the family deer camp in East Central MN, attending since his infancy. Reading stories in Outdoor Life, Field and Stream and other magazines as a youngster created a desire for hunting adventures, locally and world-wide. Scott enjoys sharing these adventures with friends and also his wife, Lisa Gingerich-Olson, a new hunter, but already quite an accomplished hunter in her own right.

Lisa Gingerich – Olson: Treasurer
Lisa is the Chicago Branch Manager for Coppersmith Global Logistics/ She did not grow up in a hunting family but has learned the importance of Conservation and hunting’s contribution to that through her work. She has traveled extensively attending SCI Chapter fundraisers across the country representing Coppersmith for over 15 years. This is where she met her husband Scott Olson. In their time together, Lisa took her first bear in Idaho with Mike Popp’s Nature Adventures and her first trip to South Africa, hunting with Africa Maximum Safaris for their honeymoon where she took 7 animals.
Lisa is very proud to be a part of the tremendous growth of women hunters in the world of hunting and to support other women starting later in life as she did. Having the tremendous opportunity of traveling the country meeting and learning from so many people involved in preserving our right to hunt is an absolute privilege! She is grateful to be part of such a well respected group as the Lake Superior Chapter of SCI to continue their mission to preserve Conservation and to support others doing the same.

Jennifer Piasecki-Dums: Secretary
Growing up in the UP of Michigan and now living in Northern Wisconsin, Jennifer is blessed to have always been surrounded by the Outdoor lifestyle. Jennifer enjoys hunting, fishing, gardening, foraging, canning/preserving, hiking, running, bird watching, raising chickens and much more! She is the Secretary for the Lake Superior Chapter of SCI, the Wisconsin and Minnesota State Coordinator and Scheels Representative for Prois Hunting Apparel, one of the founding members of the women’s only Pheasants Forever Chapter in Minnesota (Legendary Longtails), and a brand ambassador for many outdoor companies. She has a passion for protecting hunter’s rights and a huge devotion to introducing and encouraging women to be comfortable in the outdoors. She is also a Steering Committee member for the Minnesota DNR Becoming Outdoor Women organization. She is also excited to take on the new ownership role as CEO of Provider Outdoors!

Brooke Johnson: Board Member
I have been supporting and active in our Lake Superior Chapter for over 20 years! I am a non-hunter but married into the hunting world to Burl Johnson (past Chapter President) back in 2001. Our honeymoon, get aways and family vacations with our now 19-year-old son, Cash, have always consisted of a hunting trip! I love spending time outdoors with my family and witnessing their passion of hunting while crating great memories together.
My favorite event of our Chapter is our annual banquet in April. It’s amazing what all comes together so we can support SCI’s mission to protect the freedom to hunt and promote wildlife conservation.

Cindy Schabert: Board Member
Cindy has always lived in Minnesota, but enjoys traveling. Hunting has given her the opportunity to see and be a part of so many beautiful places. When at home she loves spending time with her family, especially her four Grandchildren. She is a retired Nurse Practitioner and now as a Master Gardener she enjoys gardening at home and in the community.

Tanner Anderson: Board Member
As an avid outdoorsman, I seek the thrill of the hunt and the adventure it brings. Hunting is not just a hobby, it’s a passion that runs deep in my veins. As a veteran, I understand the importance of preserving our heritage and passing it down to future generations.

Paul Vollmar, MD: Board Member
Paul was born and raised in Minnesota and is a passionate hunter and outdoorsman. He loves to hunt Unusual animals in unusual places, he has hunted 6 of the 7 continents, and is committed to protecting the hunting lifestyle and our rights to hunt all over the world.

Jenni Vitek: Board Member
I have always enjoyed being active in the outdoors! My enjoyment of hunting and a new understanding of conservation really began when I married my husband, Chris Vitek.
I’ve enjoyed our hunting land in Northern Minnesota, pheasant hunting, hog and ram hunting in Texas, and two amazing trips to South Africa.
By being a part of Lake Superior Chapter of Safari Club International I will be encouraging women and youth to get involved in hunting, conservation, and the outdoors.

Troy Braiedy: Board Member
Troy is a lifelong hunter, horseman and fisherman. He has a passion for the outdoors and believes in the message of Safari Club and supporting it’s mission.

Darren Dums: Board Member
Born and raised in the U.P. of Michigan, Darren grew up in a family that embraced life outdoors hunting, fishing and gardening. He is passionate about protecting our rights to enjoy the outdoors sustainably and getting more people involved to keep our outdoor traditions alive.

Burl Johnson: Banquet Chair
Conservation and this chapter have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember! My father and mother are avid hunters and really instilled the passion I have for it from a young age. Some of my best memories are hunting with my family. I enjoyed serving as President for this chapter and am excited for my new adventure as Banquet Chair. I’m sure everyone will agree, I sure know how to throw a party!

Jay Link: Board Member
Jay has been hunting locally and internationally since childhood. His passion for the outdoors has taken him to all corners of the Earth on hunting and fishing adventures. He has been fortunate to have been nominated for over 400 trophies in the record books and received the SCI World Hunting Award Ring. He is proud to say he is a Hunter Legacy 100 Member, life member of Safari Club International, National Rifle Association, OVIS/Grand Slam, Wild Sheep Foundation, Wisconsin Bear Hunters, Boone & Crocket, Ducks Unlimited, National Trappers, Whitetails Unlimited, AOPHA, Seaplane Pilots, International Professional Hunters Association and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. In 2017 he was awarded the Prestigious Pantheon Award, presented by both the Grand Slam Club/Ovis and Safari Club International, is extremely difficult to accomplish, taking most recipients a lifetime to meet all the requirements before being inducted. Jay Link was the eleventh individual, of which he is the youngest recipient of this prestigious award. An individual must have a Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep; a Capra World Slam Super 30 of the world’s wild goats; an Ovis World Slam Super 30 of the world’s mountain sheep; and the Super Slam of 29 North American Big Game. They must also obtain the SCI’s top objective award, which is the World Conservation and Hunting Award.
As the past President/CEO of Jack Link’s Beef Jerky, International, Jay has a keen eye for business. This global American snack company is now the largest meat snack business in the world. Jay’s affinity for business did not end after his role as President of Jack Link’s Beef Jerky; the owner of many successful businesses in Northern Wisconsin, Jay has made himself known in the business world – from a World Class Golf Course, to Resorts and Hotels and multiple A & W Franchises and a successful cattle business – in addition to Link’s Wild Safaris, Jay manages each business with the same business philosophy – “Lean, low overhead and fast, efficient and effective service.”
A father of four children, two beautiful daughters and two spirted young boys, family is important to Jay. Each of his children have had the opportunity to travel with and hunt with Jay. Each of them nearly as passionate about hunting and conservation as Jay. The old saying, a family that hunts together, stays together has never been more true when it comes to the values that Jay has instilled in his family. Jay will tell you that some of his most memorable hunting trips have been those hunting trips with his children where their success in the field was more important than any trophy he may harvest.
Jay was the founder of the Lake Superior Chapter of Safari Club International, in Minong, Wisconsin – one of the largest chapters in the world. Jay is committed to conservation efforts locally, nationally and internationally – having first-hand knowledge the important role that hunters play in sustainable wild life management. Serving on the Executive Committee of Safari Club International, the Board of the Weatherby Foundation, amongst numerous other conservation organizations, locally, nationally and internationally, Jay speaks from knowledge and experience and his impacts on these committees have helped to shape these organizations today. Jay As a life member of the National Rifle Association, Jay is passionate about the 2nd Amendment and the important role we as hunters play in the arena. His enthusiasm for this protection will move any audience.
Working in conjunction with the Hunt of a Lifetime Organization, Jay gives back frequently, including his annual disabled youth bear hunts, where youth who otherwise would not have the opportunity to harvest a black bear come to Minong, Wisconsin, and are hosted by Jay and his dedicated team who work tirelessly to help this young hunter harvest a Wisconsin Black Bear. Jay understands that our youth are the future and mentors’ young hunters as frequently as possible.
Jay is the owner of Link’s Wild Safaris, a leader in the International hunting and fishing consulting field. Providing a “boots-on-the-ground” approach to outfitter evaluations – experience needed to ensure that clients are going to the finest hunting and fishing adventures available today.
Jay can say he has hunted the world and is passionate about sharing his experiences with others. Whether high in the mountains of Mongolia, Canada, Alaska, or the cold fringes of Arctic, Russia, Iceland or Sunny Baja Mexico, New Zealand or Europe, or the unforgiving heat of Benin, Tanzania, Uganda or Ethiopia (to name just a few) Jay has literally been all over the world and has a story to share about every adventure.

Chris Vitek: Board Member
Growing up and living in Minnesota my whole life I developed a passion for hunting at a young age and am happy that I still have that passion today. Whether it is trapping and developing our hunting land in northern Minnesota or hunting my lease in western Texas, hunting is who I am.
I joined SCI after many years of hunting and I decided that it was time to give back and encourage young hunters and to protect our hunting heritage.

Cory Bouchard: Board Member
Cory is a life member of SCI and enjoys hunting and traveling with his family.

Dave Jaeger: Board Member
Dave is a retired businessman who enjoys spending his time with like minded men and women sin sharing the SCI message. He is an avid outdoorsman with a long history hunting both the US and South Africa and fishing in Mexico. He also provides great entertainment!

John “Buck” Schmit: Board Member

Terry Pittman: Board member